Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh, Hi.

I haven't written in ages and I think the last one was called something like "Colic is a dirty word". Well the baby is 4 1/2. Ahem... So what is today's momentous post about? Make up. Yep. Me writing about make up. What about make up has got me so excited that actually fired up the ancient blog? I found a mascara that doesn't give me raccoon eyes which is a noteworthy accomplishment.

Are you ready? It is No. 7 Exceptional Definition in black. I got it from Target but apparently you can get it from Boots online here. There is kind of a technic to using the brush that comes with it but it is really is pretty straight forward and it really does what it says. But most important to me is the stuff stays on my lashes, as opposed to every other mascara which migrates to my lower lid by 10am (I am including waterproof and very expensive mascaras in the migrating group, by the way). I love this stuff; use it everyday.

Oh and if you don't know what Boots is - bummer. It is drug store in the UK. I have an irrational love of Boots and end up in there every time I am over there just looking at stuff and buying things I probably don't actually need. I suppose it is similar to my love of Target, another store I spend to much time in buying things I don't actually need.

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