Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I spent two post whining about my posture so I thought I would post on what I am actually doing about it. It is called P.I.E. and it comes from my voice coach Denise Kruse. Here is it:

Rib cage up, out and left there
Abs relaxed
Shoulders vertically aligned with hips
Weight on the balls of the feet
Feet shoulder width apart
Head slightly forward (this is slight, opens the throat)
Shoulder relaxed

Think down (like a water ballon filling from the bottom first)
Diaphragm draws down creating a vacuum in lungs to bring in air
Pelvis muscle must relax in order for the organs to move down and out of the way
Start filling at the knees and fill to the collar bone allowing the upper chest to to expand slight more

Draw the air out with sound starting at the very bottom of your torso. Start with an internal jerk from the base pelvic muscles.  

Now course this is focused on supported voice (for signing and acting) but really this is how to breath and stand well. Taking deeper breaths has all sorts of benefits. Most of us wander around taking shallow little breaths (like me) when in fact just breathing fully would make you feel better.

Also there is the whole better posture can improve your confidence thing (LifeHacker article here). So there are many benefits to people who aren't trying to be heard over a train that happens to be passing by your performance space, not that I would know what that is like or anything.

So there you go.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Shoulders over hips.

So this weekend I caught one of those unexpected glimpses of myself in a window. The kind where you don't initially recognize yourself and you suddenly get an honest view of what you really looks like. (Um, this happens to other people right?) I had two realizations: my stomach doesn't stick out nearly as much as I think it does, and I do in fact stand with my shoulders behind my hips. My voice coach said I do this, but I couldn't even picture how that was physically possible so I assumed he was exaggerating to get a point across. Nope. I totally lean away from everything while caving my chest in. A physical manifestation of my desire to protect my heart.  So, yeah. Working on that.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leaning away

So I am taking signing lessons because... well, I want to. Also I needed to work on supported voice for acting and this seemed like a really great way to do it. It has been interesting and I have made a few discoveries. Like I am a soprano - I seem to be able to make what feels freakishly high notes come out of my person. So, yeah that was a surprise. Also that my tendency to hold back has translated in literally leaning back. My posture is weight back in the heels, shoulders almost behind hips, and of course slouching (stupid desk job). This was a shock. I really thought I stood up straight, leaned in if you will. Yeah. Not so much. Actually I just realized that I am standing all back right now as I write this. Sigh.

Fixing the physical posture is one thing (sort of) but can I fix that without getting to the bottom of why I hold it in - what is it at the root of my needing to be a control freak? And why do I think that somehow holding back some of myself is even remotely helpful? The whole posture of leaning away and slouching is a heart protecting stance - why am I even doing that. Well, I write this as a way of shoving myself out of the protection zone - really it is a good bet that no one will read it in my tiny corner of the internet but this is still in the realm of emotions I would normally stuff down and protect (or hide).

It is funny how you can be the person you are without really understanding why you are that way.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh, Hi.

I haven't written in ages and I think the last one was called something like "Colic is a dirty word". Well the baby is 4 1/2. Ahem... So what is today's momentous post about? Make up. Yep. Me writing about make up. What about make up has got me so excited that actually fired up the ancient blog? I found a mascara that doesn't give me raccoon eyes which is a noteworthy accomplishment.

Are you ready? It is No. 7 Exceptional Definition in black. I got it from Target but apparently you can get it from Boots online here. There is kind of a technic to using the brush that comes with it but it is really is pretty straight forward and it really does what it says. But most important to me is the stuff stays on my lashes, as opposed to every other mascara which migrates to my lower lid by 10am (I am including waterproof and very expensive mascaras in the migrating group, by the way). I love this stuff; use it everyday.

Oh and if you don't know what Boots is - bummer. It is drug store in the UK. I have an irrational love of Boots and end up in there every time I am over there just looking at stuff and buying things I probably don't actually need. I suppose it is similar to my love of Target, another store I spend to much time in buying things I don't actually need.