Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Where did she go?

Rehearsal, that's where.

Right now my life is work, eat, rehearse, repeat. Tonight we are going to squeeze in three runs so that we can have tomorrow "off." If that sounds exhausting that is because it is. "Off" in quotes because I am hosting tomorrow and while I have help, it is still mostly me.

In the works I have a post about sausage rolls (No, not pigs in a blanket. Those are totally different.). And we are brining the turkey for the first time ever, followed by the "roast the turkey on the grill" method I made up last year because I have one lonely oven. So, I'll let you know how that goes...

Doing Christmas shows seemed like such a good idea at the time.

Speaking of which (incoming shameless self promotion) if you live in the Seattle area you can check us out starting Dec 5. Show and ticket info from Stone Soup Theatre's site.

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