Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The 100 day project and yeah I am on Instagram finally

Been a busy few months.

First the was the great Fall of 2015 baby sleep regression that lasted... until now. Which blew everything I was trying to do out of the water. Write everyday - Nope. Keep the house cleanish - there is a visible layer of dust on... everything. Lose the baby weight? HA. Not possible when you have had only 3 hours of sleep. Your brain is all "I'm tired. Given me all the bread. Also that cupcake. And beer, lots of beer." Every time I worked out I ended up injuring myself because I was so tired that form was a joke. Sing? Work monologues... hahahahahahahoauhg;oaeiurhgna;ohn;aoshdf;aoshnfg;h.... Ahem... It is like I forgot what infancy is like for the parent. (Hint: I did.)

All that said a funny thing happened in February. Despite the fatigue and the "why won't you take a NAP!?!?!?" frustration, I remembered who I am again and very impulsively reopened my Etsy shop. I never stopped making jewelry, I just stopped selling it when my day job got demanding (because selling your art is a full time job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise). This meant I had some pieces lying tucked away. Over 50 as it turned out. Just about 1 minute after I listed an item on my Etsy shop I remembered "right, full time job", particularly as during my selling the art break Etsy selling became a whole lot more sophisticated. 700 product photos and many, MANY, SEO rejiggers later I am up and running. Which brings me to the 100 day project and Instagram.

I joined Instagram ages ago at the behest of a UX colleague and then proceeded to do exactly nothing with it because I am me. Then about two weeks ago I decided to do something with it because why not, which turned out to be just in time to see one of my amazing Actorswork colleagues post about the 100 day project. The short version is do something for 100 days and post everyday on Instagram with the 100 day hashtag and your own personal hashtag. I am doing #100daysofredcurlsketches because:

  1. I am really bad about recording my inspiration - I think "Oooooo I should make/write/sing/cook that" and then life happens and I think "what was that again?"
  2. I have a thing about my sketching. I never think it is good enough so I use that as an excuse not to do it. Which is ridiculous, of course, but still... (this is a reoccurring theme in my life - "x" isn't good enough therefore I shouldn't do it).
  3. I seriously forgot the last reason because not enough sleep and I am me. But there was definitely 3. 
So. There you go. You can find me on Instagram at redcurljo where I will be doing #100daysofredcurlsketch.

Oh and that Etsy store - You can find it here: Red Curl Jewelry 

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