There is part of me that cringes just using that phrase. Not only is it a meaningly phrase but, for me, it has an association with the juice cleansing, "I need a detox" mindset. I don't buy into that (your liver and kidneys cleanse your body quite well without any help thanks. And a juice diet? No.) But that said... there hasn't been much eating clean around here since before L was born. With pregnancy came food issues for the entire 10 months. I wanted to throw up, or had terrible heart burn or both (christened nausa-burn - It was special). But there were two things I could reliably eat: cake, preferably chocolate, and ice cream, preferably in milkshake form. I was thinking (hoping?) that, like with my pregnancy with M, the food cravings would end with the pregnancy.
They didn't... There have been a lot of desserts. Also cocktails, because infants.
So here we are six months later. N is over his preferred max weight and I... don't want to talk about it. Let's just say choosing my clothes in the morning is pretty straight forward. Working out is proving to be difficult for both of us because L's sleep is all crazy with teething and he has never been a good napper. Trust me, it is difficult to focus on squats when there is a baby howling at your side because he isn't being held. Which brings us to eating "clean".
There are three weeks until the family arrives and the Christmas based eat and drinking starts. N & I are doing the exercise in discipline that is eating clean between now and then. Since "eating clean" has to be defined, in this household it means no dessert, no cocktails, no beer, no fried, and nothing that generally falls into the category of junk food. We get one cheat day a calendar week. This isn't about calories or portion control. One step at a time.
Also make it public, because going public can help you reach a goal.